TV – The future of TV is here


TV in 2020 and beyond. The cloud is the new alternative that sets TV recreation above the standard. So you no longer need to rely on Cable or that ugly Satellite Dish. Get that thing off the side of your home or apartment now. Why have that ugly dish on your RV? And how about that bill, they get more outrageous every year. Why are you paying that Hugh bill to enjoy TV and movies? Lets get with today… a Cable TV Provider, Dish or Satellite TV Provider; that is so yesteryear. Technology has grown leaps and bounds year after year, and today we are part of a Global Movement: This MUST HAVE download for your Smartphone, Tablet, or PC is today’s TV. The wave of the future. You can take it anywhere. That is TV freedom.

Our Free TV is not just special, it is an income stream. Because as you get set up with the Reward Point System, we call the Tipping Circle, you’ll be able to download and activate Free TV. It’s “AMAZING”, because while gaining access to Free TV Broadcasts you can even be receiving Reward Points for watching TV. So you watch TV and make money, how great is that. Now you can say” I’m working” when you are laying on the couch watching your programs.


Get connected with FREE TV today. Once connected, we will get you everything you need to know and see. This program is incredible as we are able to literally help all around the Globe. So No matter where you go, we have you covered.

So get Ready, get started and Let’s get you going and Free TV is just a part.

Just follow these simple steps;

  1. Go here and SIGN UP for TippingCircle. This will connect you to “The Performance Giving Network”.
  2. Than use the links in the TippingCircle admin area to connect your smartphone. Android or iOS.
  3. Make sure you Register for the E-Newsletter on the right of this page. Then upon getting the first email, just reply back to let us know you joined “The TippingCircle“. This also gets you the information and keeps you updated of what is happening here.
  4. We will then TIP you and thank you for your free enrollment. How great is that! You join for free and get a tip! We will also get you more details on how we are changing the World. We have many programs developed to end Poverty and to create a better quality of life around the World. This has become a Global Movement.
  5. Join the movement. And as little or as much as you desire. You will be able to follow the details and see where and how you want to participate.

This is just the beginning as you become part of “The Performance Giving Network”. There is a growing “awakening” that realizes there is a better way to share the World. No one should be hungry, or go without the necessities of life. We all strive for the finer things in life with the most amazing resources to date. It all starts with TV, the Internet, and Education. Then as we share knowledge and training around the Globe. We can teach everyone to better themselves and truly how to create wealth.

See what we are all about and complete the 5 Steps above. We look foreword to working with you. You are going to be so happy once you follow the 5 Steps above and start with FREE TV.