Anti-Aging Blue Scorpion Wrinkle Cream

Only MRVL products are infused with natural, highly purified Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™. Thus giving optimal results in anti-aging skincare. It is Scientifically engineered to achieve the perfect concentration of healthy enzymes, minerals, and amino acids. Only available from purified Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™. Therefore our trademark key ingredient contains beneficial antioxidants and peptides. To Help rejuvenate skin for optimal results. And long-term benefits.


The active ingredients of most skin care brands are depleted on initial contact. But at MRVL, we understand you want long-term results. That’s why our scientists engineered our nano delivery system. This will extend the release of targeted anti-aging ingredients over time.

MRVL’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Adel Rammal, has over 20 years of experience in Research and Development. Primarily in creating innovative cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Dr. Rammal was educated in France. He completed his PhD in Materials Chemistry and Nanotechnology. And holds a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetical Formulation. As well as a master’s degree in Physical Chemistry. He began his career as Senior Research Chemist in collaboration with Laboratoires Boiron. It is the largest manufacturer of homeopathic products in the world. His innovative ideas will revolutionize the beauty industry. Now and into the future.


 MRVL Anti-Aging Skin Solutions products contain:

Peptide CTX

This is extracted from the Caribbean blue scorpion. This 36-amino acid peptide is purified for inclusion in MRVL’s exclusive skincare formulas. When applied the peptide helps to relax the muscles used for facial expressions that can cause wrinkles.


So The vitamins in our formula encourage healthy skin cell production. They slow the visible signs of aging. Also to help protect your skin from the symptoms of UV damage. And those are two of the main causes of wrinkles.


Vital enzymes help promote natural cell renewal. By gently exfoliating and sloughing off dead skin cells. Also these enzymes help to smooth your skin. By shrinking the look of deep wrinkles. Thus smoothing skin texture.


And 59 essential minerals help boost cellular energy. The minerals block free radicals by acting as an oxidation stress shield. Therefore activating unicellular communication.

Nano Delivery

Our innovative nano delivery system releases precise anti-aging ingredients. But over an extended period following application. Longer delivery means longer results. And looking younger longer is the desired result. SO GET IT HERE NOW. And get your youth on.


But ease your mind. Because We do not put pure venom in our product. But through a proprietary process. We extract these priceless treasures from the venom to create Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™. And Blue Scorpion venom is the world’s most expensive. And rarest liquid on Earth. Also this Peptide is a remedy for health ailments. So Learn more about how this Peptide can ease the pain of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Because you deserve to look beautiful. And live without pain. So please GO HERE TO FIND OUT MORE. You will be glad you did.